serving time to two individuals who will be selected based on the usefulness of their posts.
New: Large and Long Programs
at Gemini
Gemini offered a new proposal mode, for
Large and Long Programs (LPs), with first
observations in Semester 2014B.
The participating partners — United States,
Canada, Australia, and Argentina — contributed up to 20 percent of their time to a common pool for these programs. As a guideline, LPs either require significantly more
time than a partner typically approves for a
single program, or are extend over two to six
semesters, or both.
Large programs are expected to promote
collaborations across the partnership’s communities, have significant scientific impact,
and, normally, provide a homogeneous data
set potentially for more general use. PIs must
be based in an institution of one of the participating partner countries, though there is
no restriction on Co-investigator affiliation.
With the LPs, Gemini will also introduce a
new observing mode,