GEMA/HS Dispatch Sept 2018 | Page 12

HOMELAND SECURITY INFORMATION NETWORK: SHARING TIMELY INFORMATION AMONG GEORGIA AGENCIES I Story by: Brandy Mai n the homeland security world, sharing information among agencies is critical to keeping citizens safe. In addition, the timeliness of that information di- rectly impacts the efficiency of safety operations. The network for shar- ing timely information in Georgia is the Homeland Security Informa- tion Network. HSIN brings together people, processes and technology to make the state safer by bridging information gaps. “The events of 9/11 highlighted the need for first responders to better coordinate and communicate with law enforcement and intelligence partners at all levels of government in a centralized and secure manner,” said Andrew Sloan, Acting Director of HSIN Mission Integration and Out- reach for Department of Homeland Security. “The information exchange systems that grew out of this need evolved into HSIN.” The HSIN network has more than 40,000 users across federal, state, local, tribal, territorial, interna- tional and private sector organiza- tions. Threat-related information is received, analyzed, gathered and shared with 79 fusion centers across the nation, which operate as focal points for the receipt, analysis, gath- ering and sharing of threat-related information, typically operating in service of states and major urban areas. Only one of the 79 fusion centers is located in Georgia. The Georgia Information Sharing and Analysis Center was formed in 2001 and has a two-fold mission: to provide investi- gative support to law enforcement in Georgia for criminal activity and to dedicate resources to the protection of Georgia citizens against the threat of terrorism. Notably, even with only HSIN REGISTERED USERS BY STATE GEORGIA IS 6TH LARGEST HSIN USER WITH 3,157 REGISTERED USERS Source: Dept. of Homeland Security