Geistlich - Indication sheets S3 - Sinus floor augmentation | Page 2
Sinus floor augmentation
4.4 Septa
Pascal Valentini: « When a septum is detected by the radiograph and the insertion of the bony lid is impossible, two separate lateral
windows have to be established, one mesial and the other distal to the septum.
The bony lid has to be removed completely and the sinus membrane is detached with caution.»
In the case of a septum, two separate lateral windows have been prepared.
Indication sheet S3
Del Fabbro M., Testori T., Francetti L., Weinstein R.; Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent, 24:565-577;2004
Wallace S., Froum S.; Ann Periodontol, 8:328-343;2003
Valentini P., Abensur D.; Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants, 18:556-560;2003
Hallmann M., Sennerby L., Lundgren S.; Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants, 17, pp: 635-643, 2002
Valentini P., Abensur D., Wenz B., Peetz M., Schenk R.; Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 2000;20
Application of Bio-Oss® from both windows.
Clinical procedure by Dr Pascal Valentini
University of Corsica, France
4.5 Avoiding perforations of the sinus membrane
Pascal Valentini:
“1. At the beginning of the osteotomy, in the case of a thin bony wall, I recommend blunt diamond burs or, even better, ultrasonic
2. Initially, when the first 2 mm of the bony lid is detached, it is advantageous to use a disc-shaped ultrasonic end piece.
3. The presence of septa or osseous irregularities (e.g. extraction sites, tooth roots that extend into the antrum) increase the risk of
perforations of the sinus membrane. Scar tissue is strongly adherent. Therefore, I use an ultrasonic end piece in order to release
the bone without damaging the sinus membrane.”
> Sinus floor augmentation with lateral access, simultaneous and staged
> Avoiding autogenous bone grafts
> Dealing with septa and perforations of the sinus membrane
4.6 What to do when perforations of the sinus membrane occur?
Pascal Valentini: “The sinus membrane should be carefully detached from the bone wall at a reasonable distance from the perforation,
thus loosening tension from the membrane and reducing the size of the perforation. According to my experience a dry Bio-Gide® should
be subsequently placed over the perforation. Only after the Bio-Gide® is positioned a flat instrument can be used to moisten Bio-Gide®.”
1. Decision criteria according to Pascal Valentini
Augmentation technique
depending on residual bone height
Addition of autogenous bone
Membrane application
Implant loading
Bio-Gide® in situ, covering a perforation of
the Schneiderian membrane.
Standard implantation without augmentation > 8 mm residual bone height
Osteotome technique: not applied
One-stage procedure > 2 – 3 mm bone height
Two-stage procedure < 2 – 3 mm bone height
Over the lateral window
In case of perforations of the sinus membrane to cover the tears
2 months after implantation for two-stage procedure
4 months after augmentation and implantation
6 months after augmentation and implantation for one-stage procedure
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