Geek Syndicate Issue 9 March 2014 | Page 45

Geek Syndicate anyway. It’s just another form of art. but I really admire him. where to start? For me, cosplay is actually magical. Fantasy is my first love, and when I cosplay I feel like I AM that person from another time or universe. I generally tend to pick characters with whom I have an affinity, usually women with weapons or nunchuck skills! The ‘damsel in distress’ type of female characters that can’t look after themselves irritate me. GS: Are there any other costumes in the pipeline that we can look forward to? AD: If you want to get into cosplay, but you’ve been worried that it won’t be good enough, or you can’t make everything yourself, just remember that cosplay is simply personifying your love for the character, and if you can’t make a corset or armour, or whatever else is holding you back from doing it, it’s not a big deal! Anyone who tells you differently is raining on your parade. Sometimes you simply don’t possess the skills necessary, and that’s totally okay. Buy what you have to, make whatever you can, and just have fun! :) AD: Picking my favourite character ever is, of course, like picking my favourite child, but I think I’d have to go with Jack Bauer from 24. He got betrayed and disowned by almost everyone he ever loved and cared about, his unit turned their backs on him when he needed them most, and yet he still fought for his country with literally everything he had. It’s not really a nerdy show per say, GS: Have you any advice for people who want to cosplay, but don’t really know We’ll definitely be keeping a look out for those new costumes! To keep up with The Artful Dodger, “like” her on Facebook, where you can see all her previous costumes as well. Jess Hawke Image © The Artful Dodger GS: Who’s your favourite character ever? AD: At the moment I’m working on 4 costumes at once! I lose interest in things qu