Geek Syndicate Issue 8 | Page 54

Geek Syndicate You really don’t like Monopoly, do you? No, it’s dreadful. I did like Cluedo though, and Mouse Trap, even though we could never build the trap in a way that actually worked. Bet your wet afternoons were fun then. Wait, permanent? Yes, like writing in names for places, or borders, or cities. You also destroy some cards from the decks, enact some special rules but not others and generally do all sorts of things you’re not supposed to with games. After ten games you’ve got a completely customised and unique game board that you and your friends have created and can continue to play your version of the game on. That just sounds...crazy. I know, right? But this the point I’m trying to get to - as a form of social entertainment, Board Gaming is more exciting as it’s ever been. It appeals to a wider group of people, with a wider range of cost and time needed to play, from the small to the sprawling. There has never been a better time to get some mates over, open the snacks and beer, and get playing. Right, I’m in. Where do we start? Well, first, we need to make more friends… Matt Farr Editors Note: Images of board games being played taken from boardgamegeek. com and used in meeting with the licence applied there to these images. Image © Barnes & Noble, MTV 2012 I’d rather have had access to the games we have now. Actually if you did have a regular group, there are games that reward regular partners. Some are like Pathfinder Adventure Card Game, where you have a character and play scenarios, gaining experience that you carry on to the next game. It’s very much a hybrid of old-school Fantasy Roleplaying and modern board gaming mechanics. There is also Risk: Legacy, where gameplay makes permanent changes to the game board… There’s a vast number of board games out there to try. Don’t let Monopoly stop you from having fun with friends! 54