Geek Syndicate Issue 8 | Page 51

Geek Syndicate THE BLUFFERS GUIDE TO ... Board Games Ever wondered what all those geeks in the corner were talking about? Sick of missing out of the sly references and obscure injokes? Never Fear! Hang on. Board Games? Like... Cluedo? The Bluffers Guide is here to help! About that, probably. Cluedo? How long has been since you played a board game? Decades? OK, so the Board Game scene has changed immeasurably since then and there is now a boom in the sort of board gaming that we all missed out on as kids, because all we had was wet afternoons playing bloody Monopoly. Forever. I never liked Monopoly. So, what are we going to do tonight? Same thing we do every night! Try to...Take Over The World! Good. There is some hope for you then. The current boom in board gaming is often attributed to the Germans, and many popular choices are often described as “German” or “Euro” games. They tend to be characterised by simple rules that interact in a complex way, so they’re quick to learn but reward multiple play throughs so you can understand them better. They’re also not big on direct competition, so whilst they’re clearly competitive, they’re not so often about tearing chunks off your opponents. So, like….? A good example is probably Settlers of Catan, often held up as one of the greatest Board Games ever made. Settlers is played on a board made up differently each time out of coloured hexagons, representing resource-generating fields, and the aim of the game is to build roads and towns along the field boundries. Image © Marcin Niebudek, 2012 Sorry…? You don’t get that? No. Too obscure for me. Never mind then. We’ll try something else: “Would You Like to Play A Game?” Thats another one, isn’t it? Yes. Sorry. Although, the questions stands; would you like to play a game? I’ve got a stack of them and we can get a couple of people over have some beer and… A game of Settlers of Catan in progress 51