Geek Syndicate Issue 7 | Page 22

Geek Syndicate GS: What made MonkeyBrain an attractive company to publish your book with? Gabriel Hardman, writer/artist of Kinski: Their creator friendly stance and the accessibility of Chris and Allison were big factors. The diversity of their line play a part as well. KINSKI isn’t that easy to categorize in the world of mainstream comics. I wanted to publish it someplace where readers were more likely to approach it with an open mind. Christopher Sebela, writer/cocreator of High Crimes: Foremost, that when they asked me to pitch them something, they told me to pitch them the book I most wanted to do, which is the sort of thing you dream about a publisher saying to you. Beyond that, their deal is all about creators rights. One of the first things Chris told me was that they were only interested in doing books where writers and artists both have ownership stake. And it belongs to the creators outright. Plus, I’d gotten to know Chris and Allison in real life and found them to be great people that I wanted to work with in whatever way I could. Adam P. Knave, writer of Action Cats, Amelia Cole, Artful Daggers: Chris and Allison are great people that I trust. So, from the jump, the idea of working with them was attractive because it meant working with good people. But also the level of creative freedom certainly stands out. We get to do our comics our way. They approve the series because they like it and trust us to make great comics. They are there for advice, yet also will stand back and let us create in a whirlwind of fun and invention. Monkeybrain is sorta what I grew up thinking publishing should be like. Michael Moreci, writer of Skybreaker: Well, there’s a few answers. One, I was so excited and impressed with what Chris and Alison were doi ???][??^X??Z[??^H][??Y?]?X?[?\?X\?H[?H\??[???H?[\H??[?XZ?[???[??X]??ZX??[?^H?[YH?]H?]H?][?[X^?[??[?H???????H??X?\??Y[???Z[?]Y??[?Z\?\???X?Y?X?[H?]??X??XZ?\?H?]?Y??[?HX?\?\??[[???Z?H?\???KX?X?]\?K]8?&\??X?H] ?\?\???\?[??&]^X?H?][??H????\?K^H]?[??&][?H?\?H??[YK??]\???H\??HH?[?Y?[[? [??[K??\?[?X?YYH???\?] ????\?HY?][?\??\?X???Y][??]\X[Y?[?O??X??Y[\?X[??]\??\?\???[???N?Y?][?\??\??X?X[?YK?H?[???[??^\???XX??]??XY\??\?x?&\?[????Y][???\?H??YZ[???[??]?\?][???H????^\?[?[??[?[??]\?X?H?][??H?? ???\??\??X?[K?]\?????X]??Y??[Y\?]?\?]?Y\?\YH\?X[???\???]?[????]\?[??\?XY[?\??]?HH?????H[????H?[?\??[?[YH??H??[?\?[?[?[?[??] ?]?]?Z[ ?][??Y\??Z?H?\?[YH?XX?\??YK]Y??H?YYY[??\??YZ???YK?H??[Z?H]?]?]?X][??XYX?\???X?\?\????X?[?[?H[??]Z[\????H[?K?[?H?\?[?\?\?Y[??[??H?????\?H[?H??\???[?H\??YH\???Z[???] ?Y?\?[?\??YH??Y\??][??XY??YZ???[???Y??K?]?[??[?H???[YH????]X??]] ?[?Y?][?\???Y???\??[H?Z\?H?]????\?X??[?[?x?&[H[?X\?HY?\???]?\?^?][????YH?]\??]\?H\?X????ZX??ZY????Z?H???HH[??YK?Y[H ??]?K?]\??X?[??]?[Y[XH??K\??[Y??\??]?X[H?\??H?]???XZ??Z\?H?]???[? ??x?&\?H[??[?[??[?X\??[??[??X][??H??Y[?????\?\??H?[?] ?]8?&\??\?H[?[??[?[H??\??[??HX?H??Y?][?\???[??H?????\??\????ZX??X][? ???[???????H?[??H\??Y\??\??????Y\???\?Z?\?[??JH?[H?[][??\?????[?????X?[???X??[??\H?X??X\??]?\?]8?&\?H?\????????X[K??]??XY\??\?[??&][???[??H?[?\??Y\??X[K??\??[??XY\??Y\?[?x?&[H?H?[K?Y\[?Z[? ??]?\??[?[??]??XY\??\?H?[??Y?][ [?H[?[?HXX?^K???H?]H?\????X?H????\?H??H?[??H\??Y\??[H?[??[??H[?H?Y][?[?[???]H???Y\?H?H?[? ?H?[?]?\???Y?HH????[?^H[???]Y?][??????[XY?H0?H[??^X??Z[???ZX?? ? L??