INTERVIEW: Hayden Cohen
Geek Syndicate
haydencohen GS: How do you think being a Geek today compares to being a geek say ten years ago? HC: It has become a lot more socially acceptable. If you get too excited about the latest film or gadget, people may look at you strangely for a minute, but they seem to get over it and let you carry on. The jargon now has multiple tiers, most people don’t know what ASCII art is, but ask them to Sky+ a TV programme and they’ll know what you’re talking about. GS: So you’ve recently done the Edinburgh Fringe was that for you? HC: The trite answer is to say fun yet hard work. In reality, every time a performer goes to the fringe they should enjoy it and feel somehow further along at the end than they did in the beginning. I exceeded all my expectations and had fun so I feel it went well. It’s all about having a paradim shift and taking from it the most you can. GS: During you ???[?H[?H?X??]H???Y\?????X[YYXH[?H?[X[??H?X?????K??[?H[???YH[?\????\???Y][??[?H[?H?[?[YH??H]YY[??O??L K???YH??YYH\??X??YH??[??H???\?\?H[YH[?]?\?][???Y[\???]\??H??\???[[?[??Z[?]??H?[????[??H?]??X[??K?H[HH?YZ???Y?[???Y??]HY?[????[?\?][??????[??????YX\?\?K?????Y[?H[?\??Y?H?[??[??[?[?[??X??]?Z[??H?YZ???H?[??H[?x?&[HH?YZ?][\[??????Y][??8?'??X[8?'H?Z[Y??\?H?H\?K????\?H?H[??\?][????[?\??]?H??YH???O??????\?\?\?X[HZ?H[?H?]??]\?H?]??[O??]\[???H?[K???YH??YH?YH[?H?[?\?[H[?\??[?