though, it is weird to find myself wanting it to slow down a bit. Instead, it cracks along with Pope being the eternal troublemaker once again. Combine his arrest and news of a Skitter Uprising, things escalate out of control to an ending that is an interesting setup for the finale, not least of which is a somewhat nuanced view the show seems to take to the imposition of Martial Law. It’s a situation presented as just flat-out messed up, with no obvious villain, and I think that is an interesting stance for the show to take, and also is in keeping with its more upbeat view of humanity. We’ll see how it plays out next week, for the season finale.
the Overlords and to be honest, it’s all a little rushed – stuff happens, decisions are made, but it’s all a little rushed, all a little out of nowhere and a lot of information is dumped that could have been spread out over the season.
Geek Syndicate
show that is ever going to attract the sort of loyal fan base that many genre TV shows go. Should it get cancelled, I can’t see a Twitter outcry or a fan campaign being launched to save it. Not 5 years after its demise people still showing up in costume as the shows leads.
Episode 10: A More Perfect Union
Once all the running around is sorted out through, it’s left to a crack team of the 2nd Mass to get into the Overlords complex and blow it