coming, which was nice. Also, it gave Maggie something to do what wasn’t “clunky teen romance with Hal”. In the episodes other big storyline, we get to see Tom play at being “Dr John Carter” again as it turns out Weavers bite from two episodes ago is infected with alien nastiness and is close to killing him. Another example of a bit more “long game” in this series, it plays out well, complete with House-esque crackpot medical science to save him. One thing I’ll say for this season of Falling Skies, it’s certainly putting its characters through the wringer! Both this plot line, and the delayed return of Pope, also serve to keep the more militant/paranoid characters out of the loop whilst Karen does her thing, so saves them looking like out-of-character idiots. So, we end with a bunch of revelations about the invaders movements, and leave the Hospital behind, and onwards to Charleston, with a ton of the enemy on the move close behind. Fun times ahead!
then so too would some of the shows wider problems be left behind. That said, we would probably end up with something looking a little bit like The Walking Dead with aliens instead of zombies, and that isn’t a show without issues either. This week, Falling Skies gets pretty dark, so we’ll see how that looks, shall we?
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to the Body Horror that Falling Skies is justly proud of, the other a atmospherically shot heartbreaker served mostly by the reactions of the soldiers watching it. This show knows how to step it up when it needs to, re-enforced that the stakes were pretty high.
I ended last week looking forward to the 2nd Mass getting the hell out of the hospital and on the move again, but for once my expectations were confounded and we got a different sort of episode. Equally quickly dispatched was the ideas that Ben and Karen would spend a while running around the woods or that we’d see the Skitter rebels again. Instead Karen tries to hand Ben over to a “fish-head” boss caste alien, only for the pursuing 2nd Mass to storm in and rescue him, gaining an unexpected prisoner in the process. I like how Tom’s reaction to capturing him is pretty much one of shock, which perhaps mirrors how much the opening section of the episode throw me off-balance. So valuable asset in tow, the rest of the episode is the Hospital under siege, as the aliens are unwilling to use brute force to overcome the resistance fighters in case their boss gets caught in the crossfire and a pretty brutal siege it is too. Falling Skies has been pretty cavalier with the lives of its supporting cast this season and we lose another couple here – a minor character in one case but a more longstanding cast member in another. The nature of both is gut-wrenching; one a return
On the plot front, we received more of an insight into the aliens plans; which are somewhat vague on some levels but at least give the impression they didn’t just invade because they were bored one Sunday afternoon. The habit of the aliens of speaking through Harnessed kids remains chilling, no matter how many times I see it. You often get the impression that the invaders are fairly light on resource, given how easily resistance can move around, and I’d like to know what the point of it all is. This week we get the implication that there is a deeper agenda, and I hope that’s the case. All in all, a pretty storming episode of Falling Skies, but one that maintains its fair content of hope, and humanity in face of the end of the world. Approaching the home stretch of the season, it seems that this balance can be reached, so I guess I retain my hope for the future too.
Episode 7: Molon Labe
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