ing that the people of Gotham elected Batman to take his post when no-one else was willing to do so. This is similar to what would happen in Hobbes’ state of nature: the people would realise that things could be better if they gave some of their liberties to a protector and therefore enshrine power into that Leviathan. So Gotham accepts Batman. Under their laws he is illegitimate but their laws mean next to nothing to the rest of the people in Gotham. Therefore by no police officer making a stand against Batman he is shown to have been elected into this position. In fact he is more legitimate than the police for this reason.
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state lost its Leviathan, it would revert to the state of nature. In The Dark Knight Rises, when Batman is gone, Gotham falls into anarchy illustrating both that Batman is the Leviathan of Gotham and that without him, it falls into the state of nature. When Batman returns at the end of the film, he manages to restore order and get Gotham back on its feet before his eventual ‘death’. All of these things are crucial to illustrate Hobbes’ theory that in order to have a state we must give power to a leviathan who will take us out of the state of nature. In The Dark Knight Rises, Batman does not just lift Gotham out of the darkness mentally but also physically. He beats Bane and destroys the bomb that was going to explode over Gotham. Further the actions of Gothamites after Batman’s ‘death’ illustrate his pull with the people even more. The Gotham people erect a statue of Batman to illustrate that he is the one true saviour of Gotham. He is the one that has pulled them back from anarchy and managed to stabilize their city in order fo "?BF?&V6??R'B?bF?RGvV?G??f?'7B6V?GW'???6R??&R???&RFV???r??vWfW"&RF?R7F???2?b&?&??????&??R?&F???2?VgB??2??F?RF???????W7G&F??rf?&??bv?fW&??V?B?&?&???2&VV?V?V7FVBF?&RF?R&?v?FgV??V?"?bF?R6?v??BF?W&Vf?&RF?W2F?R?6R?b&F??2v?F??( ?2?Wf?F???F??2?2??B?V6?F?ffW&V?BF?F?Rv?F?B???rv?V?B72????2???&6??2&?&???2&F??( ?26??F?B?R?WfW"?B?F?W&Vf?&RF??0??7?7FV??2??F?ffW&V?BF?F?Bv?BvR?fR6VV????W"6?6?WG??v?WF?W"?"??B&?&??&V6??W2??v?Gv??r?"?Wr&F???2?'&V?Wf?B?v?B?2???'F?B?2F?BF?RV??R??6R??&RV?6?&??R??2?vW'2?B&V?WfR??????????r???F?R?Vv?F??FRf?&6R?????( ?2&F??f???2???W7G&FR??r?V6?&F???2?VVFVBf?"v?F???BF?B?R?2?Vv?F??FRf?&6R?&Vf?&R&F????Bv?V?WfW"?B?2??B?B&F??'??G26?FR??v?F???2?'G&?VBF?&R??7FFR?b?GW&R??B?26??'B??7G??''WF?6??fRv?F??WB????BF?W&Vf?&RF?RV??R?bv?F??v?V?B&F?W"v?fRW6??R?bF?R?&W'F?W2F?W??fR??F?R7FFR?b?GW&R???&FW"F??fR&WGFW"?fRV?FW"&F??( ?26?F?6??gW'F?W"2v?F?V?V7FVB?ff?6??2?B???&6?2?&F??( ?27FGW22?Wf?F??v???&R76VBF?v?F???2&?v?FgV??V?"?&?&???v???2?W7B2?Vv?F??FR2&F???f??????F?RF&????v?B&?6W2vRG'V?6VRF?R7FFR?b?GW&R6??RF?72?B&F??F?R??2&?v?FgV??6R2F?R?Wf?F???bF?R7FFR?&F??7F'G2F?Rf????f??r&WF?&VB???&FW"F?'&??rV6RF?v?F????WB&?R?2?F?W"??2v??6?f?&6R&F???WB?b&WF?&V?V?B?&Vf?&R???r?&?R?27&??VB&F???BFW?'FVB????WB?bv?F????V?R??6??&VfW&V?6W0?F???2??&&W2?S??( 3cs????b???&V??rF?Rf?'7B'B?b?Wf?F???F?R?'f&B6?76?72???( 3B?&F??&Vv??2?#R?6?&?7F??W"????F?"?v?F?&F??v??R?v?F???2????R?VgB?&?R?26???WFR6??G&??v?W&R?R??7F?vFW2F?R7&VF????b??&6??2v?&?C?WfW'???R?2?WBf?"F?V?6V?fW2?B?2v&RF?BF?W??W7BF?v?FWfW"F?W?6????&FW"F?7W'f?fR???&&W2&wVVBF?Bv?V?? ??F?RF&????v?B?#??F?"?6?&?7F??W"????F?RF&????v?B&?6W2?#"?F?"?6?&?7F??W"????