GEEK CRIMINOLOGY - The Drugtaking Heroes: A criminological analysis of comics and culture.
Geek Syndicate
Jock Young’s seminal work The Drugtakers (1971) was pioneering. His work looked at how the media reinforced stereotypes of the drug user, making them a scapegoat for society’s problems. He posited that in turn, the drug users may latch onto some of these stereotypes creating a Labelling Theory People define each other and their environments. Deviant
self-fulfilling prophecy. Society reacts to the stereotype: not the reality (Young, 1969; Young, 1971, Marsh and Melville, 2011: 7). In the comic book world, both DC and Marvel Comics had ground-breaking books that were socially relevant to the time delving into the drug Law Abiding C ]^?[?H???X[H?X]Y[??Y[???[?[?]?YX[??\??Y???X???X?H????Y]x?&\???\?[??[Y\???]Y\?[??H??XZ[??\?Y\??X????X?YH?X??X??\?HX\??[8?&\?H[X^?[???Y\?SX[?[???&\??Y[?[?\????Y[?\?????[?[?[???&\?????H\?Y?^Z[?\??Y?[?H??ZX?YY][O?[??\??[?[\?H\?]\?[\?[??Y?[?H?\?[?\?\??X?]?\?[??ZYH]?X[??H[\Y?X?][?[?[??X\?H[?[??ZYHXY?H]?X[???X]\?]?X[??K???H???X[K?X]Y[??Y[???[?[?]?YX[??\??Y??]?HY??\?[???\?[??[YH??\?????Y]K??\???]?H???XZ????Y]x?&\?]??\??\[?\??X?X[??[?X?[?[????Y][??\?]?X[??[????Y]H?XX???Y?]]?[H??\??]??????Y]x?&\???\?[??[Y\?\?H??Y??X?[??Z[?[?\?Y??HH?]H?[??ZYH\??X]Y???NB??