Geek Syndicate Feb. 2012 | Page 57

Geek Syndicate up as a UN prosecutor charged with bringing Largo to justice for war crimes feels a little like stunt casting and she just seems out of place. The bad guys are pretty two dimensional and not much substance to any of them, save the chief mastermind The plot is ok with a couple of nice twists but seems to wrap everything up a little too neatly for me and when the mastermind behind Largo’s latest woes is reveals it doesn’t really come as much of a shock. Overall, this sequel is a weaker effort than the first film which had better story, action and characters. There was something fresh about the first Largo Winch film compared to a lot of other action films where as the sequel felt much more like them, which is a shame. Largo Winch: The Burma Conspiracy may not set the world alight and be pretty forgettable once you’ve seen it but it’s an entertaining thriller with some fantastic action sequences which make it an enjoyable watch. Largo Winch: The Burma Conspiracy is out now,?? Rating: Barry Nugent GGGGG COMIC REVIEW - Star Wars: Agent of the Empire #002 Eclipse.” At an elegant embassy soirée in the Corporate Sector, Cross locks his sights on the Stark family. Before the evening is over, more than one player will be out of the game–and Cross will be wanted for murder! the same story over and over again with slight differences whereas this series offers a completely new and fresh approach to Star Wars and it’s a welcome change of pace. The art by Stéphane Roux is stunning, particularly the women he draws. A lot of this issue is set at a party so there isn’t much action, however these scenes are full of detail and characters that they are in no way as boring as they could have been. The few action scenes that we do get are quick, fluid and beautifully drawn. This issue presents a great story, supplemented by excellent art and James Bond themes which make this a must read series for all Star Wars fans. This a great part of what is shaping up to be a great series. The Review: Last issue was a great introduction to all the characters and themes of what is shaping up to be one of my favourite Star Wars comic series so far and issue 2 does nothing to change my opinion. This issue plays out exactly as “James Bond in the Star Wars Universe” should. It has the party scene where Jahan Cross gets to showcase his smooth talking; it has a hot sex scene with a sexy Nautalan and then there’s an awesome fight/chase scene. The writing is excellent, Agents reads much more like a Sean Connery James Bond comic with a Star Wars filter thrown over it, and that is absolutely fine by me. Star Wars comics have a tendency to be Writer: John Ostrander Penciller: Stéphane Roux Inker: Julien Hugonnard-Bert Colorist: Wes Dzioba Publisher: Dark Horse Comics The Blurb: Undercover as a diplomatic attaché, Imperial agent Jahan Cross continues his investigation into the stolen droid technology and the mysterious project known as “Iron Matt Pease Rating: GGGGG 57