Geek Syndicate Feb. 2012 | Page 16

Geek Syndicate INTERVIEW - Be Tempted by the Cast of Syfy’s Being Human GS: Hi guys, thanks so much for doing the call today. I wanted to ask you guys just I know if you could just talk a little bit about what it’s been like to film season two and maybe touch upon some of the bigger things people see happening with, like you guys to go back to the set for season two and how it’s different to play these characters in the second season. Sam H: Sure, we loved the show so much, I think I can speak for all of us when I say that and so we were all really, really excited to get back. And you know the funny thing is I personally expected it to feel a lot like just one giant bout of déjà vu and to be honest, like it really just felt as though we never had the hiatus. It just felt because it was all the same crew and a lot of the same cast it just felt like we had maybe a two day break and then we just rolled into season two, it was bizarre. But at the same time it was great because I felt like we were able to really just pick up right where we left off which was a really cool spot. So yeah, anyway, like that. Sam W: Yeah, I guess I didn’t expect it to be - I mean okay there’s me and Sammy and Meaghan and we bonded I think all the way back during our first audition together. But I guess you know you go away, we were so exhausted after the first season, I for months afterwards even the thought of doing season two would make me sleepy. And by - when we got back I guess I hadn’t expected to be as happy to see everyone as I was. The crew and all the directors and everyone and that kind of carried for me that carried me through the season. I wasn’t as exhausted this year, there was something about having a successful season one behind us and knowing the characters and having that momentum that was really positive this year. Meaghan R: Yeah, and I think it was just script wise it was a lot easier to just fall back into it this year because there was no establishing who our characters were and what our circumstances were, we just jumped right into it. And that’s reflective of the first episode, we just get right into the story immediately which was really great. Sam W: Absolutely, and in the first season there was so much heavy lifting on everyone’s part to establish these characters and to try make this all work and now we had a - some - what do you guys think, I think we had a little bit of competence going on this time. Meaghan R: Yeah. Sam H: So much more, there was so much uncertainty in season one, it’s like imagine like any television show, your season one is you’re kind of biting your fingernails the whole time just saying to yourself God I hope people like this and I hope people watch this. Sam W: Right and you’re second guessing yourself. GS: What about a story line, you know what’s coming up, how sea- After we left Aidan, Sally and Josh in last season’s finale of Being Human, the three roommates are continuing to struggle with their double lives and discovering that temptation truly is a beast. Aidan struggles with backtracking into his old lifestyle as the Vampire Queen tempts him with freedom in exchange for agreeing to train her disgraced daughter, Suren (Dollhouse’s Dichen Lachman). Meanwhile, Sally grows more powerful with dangerous spectral skills that threaten to send her down a dark and destructive path. Lastly, Josh remains unaware of having scratched Nora (Kristen Hager) and both anxiously await the rapidly approaching full moon. The explosive revelation drives Josh to try and find a cure for his condition. We spoke with Sam Witwer, Sam Huntington and Meaghan Rath before the Season Two premiere; they’re such a fun bunch to chat with. They go from challenges filming season two to whether or not they’ve seen the BBC version of the show. Without further ado, check out the interview! 16