Geek Syndicate
So, you’ve gone to the cinema, stocked up on popcorn and refreshments, and then drooled all over yourself at the sheer awesome spectacle that was Marvel’s Avengers Assemble (not forgetting that jaw dropping after-credits scene), and are wondering: what next for Marvel Studios’ megastars? If your immediate response was Avengers Assemble 2, then nil points to you over-eager True Believer! The future of Marvel Studios is the second cycle of superhero movies to pave the way for a second Avengers movie. According to SuperHeroHype, there are four Marvel Studios flicks confirmed and scheduled for production. Iron Man 3 will throw the first punch on 3rd May 2013 followed by the hammer of Thor 2 on 15th November 2013. The Captain America sequel is penned for 4th April 2014. The fourth film (scheduled for 16th May 2014) has yet to be titled but could very well be the next Avengers film. Then again, it could be a new Hulk film. Or a S.H.I.E.L.D. movie. Or something else entirely (Hawkeye movie anyone? – Editor). Bringing together the rumours, Geek Syndicate brings you the scoop on what’s (possibly) coming up for the Marvel movie series.
AFTER ASSEMBLY - What Next for Marvel’ s Merry Men?
goers around the world. In so doing, Iron Man paved the first slab on the way to Avengers Assemble. Pearce is in final talks to play big bad Aldrich Killian who was featured in the Iron Man comic’s Extremis story arc. Marvel Studios, The Walt Disney Company, and DMG Entertainment have also reached an agreement to co-produce Iron Man 3 in China. Anyone up for an epic fight scene in downtown Beijing, Shanghai, or Hong Kong? Iron Man 3 is scheduled to release on 3rd May 2013. President of Production for Marvel Studios, Kevin Feige, has suggested that the intention with the third movie film is to keep Tony Stark more independent from Nick Fury, S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Avengers so we return to the more focused approach of the first Iron Man film. Which surely will be much appreciated by movie-goers. Work on Iron Man 3 is already under v??Bf????r?2W?V7FVBF?7F'B??fWrvVV?2?F?RF?&V7F?"?b?&????2v???&R6??R&?6?v??6R?7Bf???v2#^( ?2??72??72&?r&?r7F'&??rF???7F&????6V?b?&?&W'BF?v?W???"??N( ?2v??BF????rF?B???fg&V^( ?2&W?6V?V?B?26??RW?W&?V?6Rv?F?F?R7F?"?ww??WF??G&?r?BF??6?VF?R?fR&VV?6??f?&?VB2&W&?6??rF?V?"&??W22WW"?GG2?B?B???W2&??FW2?v"?6???R?7W'&V?F???F?67W76???2f?"V?F?66??6VB&??W2??F?Rf???&R7F?'2??6?VF??r&V????w6?W???W76?66?7F????B6???W6R7WW'7F"?G??R?wW???F??" ?6?&?2?V?7v?'F???F?R?'F???F????FF?W7F???B?G&?2V?&&R??6??f?&?VBF?&WGW&?F?F?V?"&W7V7F?fR&??W2?F??"???Rf?7FW"???????B?V??F????F?R6WVV??F?R&W7B?bF??.( ?26v&B?2( 2??6?VF??r&?7FWfV?6??( ?2f??7Fvr????R?W??FW.( ?26?b??B??6?VF??>( ?f?G&?( 2&R7W'&V?F???F?2F?&W&?6R?2?WBF?W&R?2&VV???v?&B??v?WF?W"?F?????????2v???6??R&6?2?F????&????0?&?&W'BF?v?W??"???vVBF?6??v?R??FVF?6V??F?R6??6WB?b&??????&Rv?F?&GFW'?????26?W7BvV&??r&?r?WF?7V?BF?6??V?# ??F?R67&VV???v???&R??F?VB'?F????Rv?F?&R?w&?F??r'?6f??r&?fFR'??( ?2&?&W'B&?FB???F???"g&??Eb6W&?W2v?R?bF?&??W2?27FWVB??F?F?Rf??B?VgB'?GG??V??2?v??6???W2F??2??2fVGW&Rf???FV'WB??V??WF?'&?v?v?????B&P??