Geatly Weekly Geatly Weekly | Page 4


Dear Johanna:

What is mead? Is it some kind of berverage? What's your recipe for the best mead ever?!?!! My new husband wants some homemade mead, but I don't know how to make any since I'm only 14. By the way I love your column, it always gives perfect advice.

With love,

Ainsley of Scotland

Dear Ainsley,

Thank you for your support. Mead is an alcoholic beverage that is very popular in this day and age. It is made from fermented honey and can be flavoured with different fruits. It does take a while to make, but it is very worth it. I know a many of mead recipes, here's a basic recipe (for 1 gallon):


3 pounds of honey (regular or clove)

1 package of Yeast

ΒΌ cup of lemon juice

1 quart of Water

1 cup of fresh brewed plain tea (pekoe or orange pekoe)

Equipment needed:

Carboy, vapor lock & cork, sauce pan, funnel, spoon, bottles and labels.