Geatly Weekly Geatly Weekly | Page 18

“Why here? Why now?” I asked King Wiglaf as we sat in Herot drinking a special mead blend. “I feel that it is the right time for me to explain since I’m getting old now,” he replies “And many, many people ask me the same questions time and time again so I’m going to answer them all right now.”

I first interview the new king when he was about 27 years old in a little hut in South Geatland when he was in battle training. It was a mich happier time then, he was more relaxed and was such a young fellow. Now I could see that in his eyes there was a great sadness and I knew why.

Leading into the toughtest question was really hard for me. I just didn't know what kind of reaction I would get from him. "How have you been since the accident?" I asked him. "I've been fine, I know that cousin Beowulf wouldn't want me to sit around and suffer." he anserwed.




Wiglaf opens up to reporter Julia Wigfall about the death of his cousin, King Beowulf, life after, and it how it feels to be the new king.