When I went to see "Beowulf" at a private screening this past weekend, I found that it had its fair share of ups and downs. I loved almost every part of "Beowulf" except certain parts that did not match up with the epic. For example, when Grendel approaches Beowulf and the sleeping Geats, in the poem Beowulf had the element of surprise by pretending ti be asleep and then proping up on on elbow. He then proceeds to wrestle with Grendel and successfully dismantles his arm with his bare hand. While in the films shows Beowulf climbing banisters, and screaming (losing the element of surprise), and jumping on Grendel's back. Like the poem they still wrestle around, but Beowulf shuts Grendel's arm in the door and it is ripped from the shoulder. Another example is, in the movie Grendel's mom is killed by Beowulf due to a gruesome beheading, and in the film, she does not die instead her and Beowulf have sex. Just thinking about these scenes makes me want to pull my hair out.
In contrast, there are two parts in which the film does accuracy some justice. One of those moments includes the part when Beowulf and Brecca have a swimming contest. During this contest they brag about themselves and Beowulf tells Brecca about a battle he had. The final moment the makes me proud is when the Geats build Beowulf a funeral pyre. It was a great way to end the movie and pay homage to the poem.
4 Bogue/ Fall 2014
Geatly Weekly 15