Geared Up 2020 Issue 4 | Page 61

The word team should be earned , not just given on day one .

who share a common description . Real teams take time to build . It takes time and intentional effort for people to get to know each other and trust each other . It takes time for people to really understand and emotionally buy into a shared purpose and shared values . It takes time for people to truly care about each other and communicate with each other in an open-minded way . The word team should be earned , not just given on day one . When two people go out on a first date , they are not called a married couple . Marriage takes time and effort to be earned . So does teamwork .
In order for the members of a group to experience a sense of teamwork , they do have to come together on a regular basis . This time together is tremendously important and needs to be used wisely . When a team is healthy and comes together in the circle , they experience emotions of joy , gratitude , resilience , optimism and enthusiasm . These people are genuinely glad to be a part of this team . When the members of a group never experience time together , negative emotions are likely to enter the group dynamic . These include fear , anger , apathy and jealousy . These negative emotions rip the members apart and keep them from ever
becoming a true team . Bring your group together consistently . Provide time for people to get to know each other . Do exercises and activities that help people understand how they are each hard-wired and the character strengths , passions , talents and values they each bring to the group . Discuss the meaningful purpose that the group is working to fulfill . Talk about the important goals the group is trying to achieve . Create experiences where they can experience joy in being together . Allow people to share what they are grateful for . Discuss moments of great resilience in their lives . Convey a sense of optimism and hopefulness and enthusiasm for where the group is today and where it is going .
Most importantly , don ’ t call the group a team until they have truly earned that designation . That way when you do use the term “ team ” the individuals will know that they have really arrived at a special level in their development as a group .
Most of their time will be spent apart from one another , but it is in the circle that they can begin to feel that they are a part of something bigger than themselves . G

Dan Coughlin is president of The Coughlin Company Inc ., a management consulting firm focused on improving executive effectiveness and significance . He serves as a thinking partner for executives , managers and business owners toward improving their most important desired business outcomes . He does this through executive coaching for individuals and small groups . He also provides keynote speeches and seminars on effectiveness and leadership . judgement free® abs

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GearedUp | 2020 Issue 4