Geared Up 2020 Issue 4 | Page 57

You ’ ve got to start somewhere and eventually you just have to choose , using the best information you have . decision-making and follow their lead . If possible , chat with them to get an idea of their personal philosophies on the subject and adapt it for your own situations .

The Bottom Line
The malady of overthinking will cause your workflow to grind to a halt . No matter the flavor you suffer from , the only real solution is to make a decision and get a move on . Once you ’ ve tightened your focus sufficiently to eliminate your least viable ideas using the pointers I ’ ve outlined above , just pick something and go with it . You ’ ve got to start somewhere and eventually you just have to choose , using the best information you have . Even if your plan ultimately fails to work out , at least you ’ ve made a decision and ended your personal game of idea freeze tag . Whatever you do , refuse to let overthinking crash your personal productivity ! G
put up with a tenant who complained about everything you did , insulted you constantly , and never paid his rent on time ? Probably not . Well , your inner critic represents precisely that kind of “ tenant .” If you need to make a decision and the bum won ’ t pipe down , kick him out of your head and give him the boot again if he tries to come back .
Model yourself after action-oriented people . Do you know someone who always seems unruffled , meeting life ’ s obstacles with a can-do attitude ? It needn ’ t be someone in your organization ; it might be your auto mechanic , martial arts sensei or your kindergartner ’ s schoolteacher . Observe how they handle
Laura Stack , MBA , CSP , CPAE , aka The Productivity Pro ® , gives speeches and seminars on sales and leadership productivity . For over 25 years , she ’ s worked with Fortune 1000 clients to reduce inefficiencies , execute more quickly , improve output and increase profitability . Laura is the author of seven books , including “ Doing the Right Things Right : How the Effective Executive Spends Time .” To invite Laura to speak at your next event , visit www . TheProductivityPro . com .
GearedUp | 2020 Issue 4