Geared Up 2020 Issue 4 | Page 41

to let them know that you are interested in what they have to say
• Maintain a relaxed attentive posture , position yourself at a right angle to them , not directly in front of the other person
• Acknowledge the person ’ s feelings , indicate that you can see that s / he is upset
• Position yourself so that the other person cannot block your access to an exit
Implementing Policies and Procedures to Protect Your Employees
As part of your workplace violence prevention , you should also consider implementing a workplace violence prevention program . Your program should include management ’ s commitment to ensuring a safe work environment , employee involvement in reporting potential violence in the workplace , a worksite analysis including hazard prevention and control , safety and health training for your managers and employees , and recordkeeping and evaluation .
You should also adopt a written violence prevention plan to be included
either in your employee handbook or as a stand-alone policy for your employees to acknowledge . This plan would include a zero-tolerance policy for violence , meaning that employees who engage in violent behavior are discharged even for a first offense . The policy should also encourage prompt reporting and ensure that no reprisal or retaliation is taken against employees who raise a concern regarding workplace violence in good faith .
Finally , you should ensure that all employees , including your managers , are properly trained on your workplace violence prevention program . Employees should be trained to recognize the warning signs of violent behavior , proper conflict resolution and aggression management techniques , reporting procedures , and emergency action procedures in the event workplace violence occurs . Often hands-on training and roleplaying activities are the best way to ensure that employees retain this important information .
One of the silver linings coming out of the Coronavirus pandemic may be an increased vigilance to protecting the health and safety of your members , employees
and guests . In addition to implementing the Clean Thumb Club ® safety protocols requiring masks and increased sanitation , you should also consider enhancing or adopting your workplace violence program . Spotting the signs of workplace violence early will go a long way to reducing the likelihood that your Lunk Alarm ® will be activated by a violent employee or member . Not only is it your obligation to keep your employees safe at work , it ’ s the right thing to do . G
J . Hagood Tighe is a partner and Matthew R . Korn is an associate with Fisher Phillips . They concentrate their practice exclusively in the labor and employment area , representing franchisees across the country . J . Hagood Tighe can be reached at htighe @ fisherphillips . com or ( 803 ) 740-7655 and Matthew R . Korn can be reached at mkorn @ fisherphillips . com or ( 803 ) 740-7652 . Fisher Phillips , founded in 1943 , is one of the oldest and largest labor and employment law firms concentrating its practice exclusively upon representation of employers . For more information , please visit our website at www . fisherphillips . com .
Disclaimer : Eligibility based on 2020 PFHQ equipment promotion requirements . Promotion valid now until December 31 , 2020 . Order must be placed and delivered by 12 / 31 / 2020 , no pre-orders for 2021 . Trade In ’ s and 2020 equipment discounts cannot be combined with other offers , franchise will receive the better of the two deals . Exclusions include : Passion 40 / 3 , Sunrise 480 , and Beauty Angel RVT 30 .
Planet Fitness Hotline : 888.577.5160 Visit us at www . ergolineplanetfitness . com
GearedUp | 2020 Issue 4