Geared Up 2020 Issue 4 | Page 12

United PF Holds UPF Values Day

On Nov . 2 , United PF held UPF Values Day to celebrate their four-year anniversary . This was the first annual UPF Values Day celebration , and it featured fun giveaways for team members like Values Day T-shirts and challenge coins to mark the occasion .

Though the official Values Day celebrations only began this year , the creation and implementation of these values goes back to 2017 . UPF Vice President of Training and Culture Gale Sloan started coaching the group on John Maxwell ’ s leadership ideas . During the workshops , participants learned about the importance of understanding values , both those held by the individual and others . “ It is crucial to identify these values because it helps leaders relate to their team and build strong working relationships ,” said Sloan .
UPF ’ s teammates identified the values that were most important to their culture , and these are the values that guide them to this day . The five core ideals are : Do the Right Thing , Be Better Every Day , We Win Together , Everyone Matters , and Be Kind and Respectful . The first annual Values Day celebration evolved from a desire to recognize and spotlight the values that the team helped create .
For Values Day , teams were tasked with a simple task : create a “ pfamily tree ” that includes your individual values . “ The exercise did not disappoint ! The creativity and thought that went into the trees was amazing ,” Sloan said . Besides being a fun and creative exercise , the “ pfamily trees ” allowed team members to grow closer to one another . “ Our teammates learned so much about each
UPF held its first annual Values Day this year .
2020 Issue 4 | GearedUp
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Part of Values Day was creating “ pfamily trees .”
The “ pfamily trees ” were very creative and heartfelt .
other ,” Sloan explained . “ They also gained a new respect and understanding of each other .”
There was also a virtual event as a part of the celebration – the Regional and District Managers played the parts of “ on-the-ground correspondents ” as they showcased the “ pfamily trees ” that different locations had created . This gave team members the opportunity to share the stories of their trees and their values .
Values Day 2020 was only the beginning . “ We all look forward to seeing how our annual celebrations will evolve ,” Sloan said . “ This one was a show-stopper !” G