Street View Street Food
The dish emerged in the late 1950s in the Centre-du-
Québec area and has long been associated with the
cuisine of Quebec. For many years, it was negatively
perceived and mocked and even used as a means of
stigmatization against Quebec society. However, since
the mid-2000s, poutine has been celebrated as a symbol
of Québécois cultural pride, and its rise in prominence
led to popularity outside the province, especially in
central Canada and the northeast United States.
Today, it is often identified as quintessential Canadian
food and has been called “Canada’s national dish”,
though some have commented that this labelling
represents misappropriation of Québécois culture. Many
variations on the original recipe are popular, leading
some to suggest that poutine has emerged as a new
dish classification in its own right, just like sandwiches,
dumplings, soups, and flatbreads.