GDC Journal_Summer 2024 | Page 10


For Immediate Release Thursday , March 28 , 2024
Gov . Kemp : Georgia Department of Corrections Investigation Exposes Multi-State Criminal Enterprise
Atlanta , GA – Governor Brian P . Kemp announced today that , in a continuing investigative effort between the Georgia Department of Corrections ( GDC ) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation Safe Streets Gang Task Force , search and arrest warrants were served today at two locations in the Metro Atlanta area , effectively shutting down a sophisticated , multi-state criminal enterprise that included civilians , inmates , and staff involved in contraband introduction into GDC facilities .
“ Georgia will not tolerate those who put our communities at risk by trafficking drugs , weapons , and contraband both in and out of our correctional facilities ,” said Governor Brian Kemp . “ I want to thank Commissioner Oliver , the hardworking men and women of the GDC , and all law enforcement who worked to shut these operations down and help keep both Georgians and our correctional facilities safe .”
Dubbed “ Operation Skyhawk ,” the months-long investigation into contraband at GDC facilities revealed the use of drones to facilitate the introduction of contraband . That discovery led to the arrest of 150 suspects , including eight GDC employees who were immediately terminated . With a combined total of over 1,000 criminal charges stemming from contraband introduction , drug trafficking , and felons in possession of firearms , many of the individuals arrested will also be facing Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act ( RICO ) charges and Participation in Criminal Gang Activity in multiple venues across the state , resulting in what will possibly be the largest Gang RICO in the state ’ s history .