is still placed on the registry prior to any notice and then must request and win a hearing to be removed. Attorneys who
have represented parents in these cases will explain the process, review the basics of case presentation, provide materials,
and discuss the 2019 changes and updates on the Child Abuse Registry statute (CARS).
Parthenon 1
Know More, Do More: Investigating and Responding to Stalking
Mark Kurkowski and Jennifer Landhuis
Stalking is a prevalent, dangerous and often misunderstood crime. This session explores the dynamics of stalking, focusing
on the highly contextual nature of the crime by discussing common tactics used by perpetrators, stalking’s co-occurrence
with domestic and sexual violence as well as tools to plan for victim safety and hold offenders accountable.
Parthenon 2
TPO Court Road Trip: Best Practices Based on Observation and Experience
Joel Correa, Kylee Elliott, Kate Gaffney, and Toni Roberts
As the last Fatality Review Report highlighted, there are many areas that require our attention to increase victim safety. In
accordance with these highlighted areas from the report last year, advocates and civil attorneys from five metro Atlanta
counties collaborated to create a Temporary Protective Order (TPO) Forum as a way to share and compare practices and
establish a Best Practices Model for victims engaged in TPO Court. The group observed TPO Court in each county
represented, reviewed the judicial, advocacy and legal representation practices in each county and then walked through the
process that each victim goes through when seeking legal assistance and protection. The group met and collaborated to
discuss strengths and challenges present in each county. This collaboration, based on observation and experience, led to
the creation of a Best Practices Manual for TPO Court that will aid the judiciary, advocates and attorney as they work to
grow and shape their individual programs into the best program for their specific communities. The session will cover these
best practices and also allow time for discussion so that judges, advocates and attorneys from around the state can
contribute to the development of Georgia’s Best Practices for TPO Court. Each participant will leave with a copy of the
report as a manual that they can take home to use in their own community.
Workshops D (2:00 PM - 3:30 PM)
Athena F
Forensic Medical Exams: What Advocates, Law Enforcement and Prosecutors Need to Know
Sarah Pederson
At the conclusion of this session, participants will understand the role of a forensic nurse in the criminal justice system. The
session will highlight effective ways to integrate forensic nurses as part of the multidisciplinary team. Participants will learn
about the Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) exam from the medical professional’s perspective and gain insight into
what the SANE wants each member of a Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) to know about the purpose, scope, and
limitations of a SANE exam.
Athena G/H
Enhancing Your Community’s Response to Domestic Violence Murder-Suicide
Niki Lemeshka and Terri Powe
An average of 130 Georgians lose their lives to domestic violence each year, roughly half of these are attributed to incidents
of murder-suicide. This workshop will explore the Georgia Domestic Violence Fatality Review Project’s findings on
murder-suicide, build attendees’ understanding of the homicide-suicide connection, and enhance their capacities to identify
relationships at increased risk for a murder-suicide incident. The training will then turn to implementing services that support