GCIS Bimonthly Issue-II | Page 25

Report on “ Recycling ” - Sana Mehreen

Introduction :

Recycling has become a buzz word for today ‟ s generation . Environmentalists are lobbying for people to change their life styles and do something about the waste they generate . However , not everyone is aware of “ war on waste ” and may seem unclear what all the fuss is about .

What is Recycling ?

Recycling means collecting discarded waste and using it to create a different product . Old items can also be recycled in different ways . For instance , old tyres can be reused as road barriers , as wings for children , or they can be melted down and used as building materials like tiles and sports surfaces . Hence , recycling is when something is not thrown away but processed into something that can be used again . Reducing and recycling is something everyone can do at home , at school , and at work .