GC Spring 2021 | Page 24

[ S P O N S O R E D C O N T E N T | I N T E R T R U S T G R O U P ]

Chief financial officers ( CFOs ) of private capital funds readily admit that they expect investor demands for enriched and more frequent data to intensify over the next few years . How they plan to meet these demands was one of the areas explored in a joint Intertrust Group and Global Custodian survey . Participants were drawn from across the private capital fund spectrum , including private equity , private debt , infrastructure and real estate in the US , UK , China and Western Europe . Assets under management of respondents ranged from less than $ 1 billion to more than $ 50 billion . In a parallel survey , investors in private capital funds - mainly in US , UK and China - were surveyed to act as a check on whether CFO expectations are aligned with their clients . Survey results show CFOs gearing up to meet demands for real-time or quasi-real-time data about the status of their investments . Some 31 % of respondents expect their investors to be looking for access to live updates on portfolio performance and 27 % on cyber-security ( See Figure 1 ). While some regional variation was evident , with CFOs in China most exercised in this regard , 64 % of respondents expect to have to provide at the very least daily information on portfolio performance and 57 % on cyber-security . This is slightly higher than the expec-

Enhancing client data flows – the challenge for private fund CFOs

In our Winter edition , GC presented the initial findings of its joint survey with Intertrust Group on the challenges ahead for private capital fund CFOs as they see them . With the survey now complete , what have we learned since then ?
tations expressed by LPs themselves , of whom 63 % say they are looking for either live or daily updates on portfolio performance and 54 % on cyber-security . At the same time , 50 % of CFO participants and 55 % of investors are expecting a need for live or daily updates on operational SLAs .
With cyber-security a widespread concern for any corporate or institution , the need to be kept fully informed on unexpected developments is understandable . Given the nature of private fund investments however - with varying liquidity profiles - are live updates on portfolio
Fig . 1
50.00 %
40.00 %
Anticipated data demands from LPs
Daily Weekly Monthly
Quarterly or less
30.00 %
20.00 %
10.00 %
0.00 %
24 Global Custodian Spring 2021