GC - Finance Udklip Greater Copenhagen Financial Business Profi | Page 18

Greater Copenhagen Financial Hub Further information Copenhagen Capacity Claus Lønborg, CEO cl@copcap.com Tel. +45 33 22 02 22 Finance Denmark Ulrik Nødgaard, CEO uln@fida.dk Tel. +45 33 70 10 00 Danish Investment Association Anders Klinkby, CEO ak@fida.dk Tel. +45 25 10 19 19 Copenhagen FinTech Thomas Krogh Jensen, CEO tkj@copenhagenfintech.dk Tel. +45 33 70 11 21 36 / 36 This report has been produced by a consortium of private and public players brought together by Axcelfuture. The work was led by an advisory board chaired by Allan Polack, CEO of PFA Pension.