Opportunity For Impact
Since 1996 , Barrio Logan College Institute ( BLCI ) has been breaking the cycle of poverty by preparing underserved students to be the first in their families to go to college . To date , 100 % of students who have completed the college success curriculum have enrolled in college .
On average , it costs approximately $ 5,000 per student , per year , to provide these life changing programs that begin in 3rd grade . On Thursday , May 11th BLCI will host the Opportunity for Impact at Bali Hai . The event showcases the student ’ s success while raising funds to support BLCI ’ s college completion programs and expansion efforts to meet the growing demand to increase the capacity at BLCI El Cajon and Chula Vista locations .
The event provides members of the community an opportunity to make an impact of their own and change lives for students like Denise who will be attending college in 2025 , “ I feel so ready for college . This program is the step I needed to take , and I don ’ t feel like it is a huge , big scary abyss , but more like something I ’ ve been preparing for forever . If I hadn ’ t joined BLCI , I don ’ t think I would be at the top 10 % of my class or would ’ ve had the drive and motivation to work towards it .”
18 GBSAN . COM | MARCH 2023