GB Magazine June 2021 | Page 42



Taking Legal Empowerment To The Next Level


Lawyers are in a unique position to help both individuals and businesses address and resolve their legal problems to further the public good . Launched in 1979 , the San Diego La Raza Lawyers Association ( SDLRLA ) serves the community by empowering Latino and Latina attorneys to excel in their respective areas of legal expertise . Currently , George A . Rios III serves as the organization ’ s president and co-chair of LEAD ( Legal Enrichment and Decision-Making ), an educational initiative that aims to encourage fifth graders to make positive life choices . Rios shared with us where he is today , how he plans to advance SDLRLA ’ s goals , and how he balances it all .

GB : What inspired you to pursue a career in law ?
GR : The Latin motto “ unitas , veritas , and caritas ,” meaning “ unity , truth , and love ,” has really been a driving force in all my career decisions . Those were the values instilled in me during my formative years at St . Augustine High School here in San Diego , and for which I still strive to live by today , especially since stepping into the role as president of the SDLRLA . When I received my Bachelor ’ s Degree in Business Management from San Diego State University , I was still unclear on how I would apply those values to
42 GBSAN . COM | JUNE 2021
George A . Rios III