GB Magazine June 2021 | Page 24



An extraordinary firstof-a-kind celebration of Israel ’ s 73rd Independence Day was enjoyed by hundreds ! Jewish Federation of San Diego County presented this unique opportunity to celebrate Israel , connect with community and have a groovy-good-time . Local community members enjoyed a seventies-themed drive-in concert extravaganza featuring CaliBear Band , and Kosher Israeli food .

Rachel Blau , Shalona Shtienberg and Sharon Shpigelman
Itay Aloni , Ofry Haytman , Omer Najary and Klil Amar
Miri Ketayi and Darren Schwartz
Carin Altschuler with Hagar and Dana Tsuri-Etzioni
Scott , Emily and Karen Gould
24 GBSAN . COM | JUNE 2021
Enjoying the concert