GB Magazine February 2023 | Page 89

The Starfish Story tells of a child walking along a beach after a terrible storm which washed up thousands of starfish . The child is throwing starfish back into the water , when someone points out to the child that they cannot save all the starfish . “ It won ’ t make a difference .” The child gingerly picks up another starfish and replies , “ I made a difference for this one ”.

Every day , we rush around , dealing with personal and professional lives , juggling competing priorities . We want to keep a balance between making sure that our family members know they are loved and cared for and making sure our interactions at work with coworkers are engaging and meaningful . We each have a purpose … we want to make a difference .
Champions for Health ( CFH ) works with our dedicated network of physician volunteers ,
Project Access patients and their spouses at the CFH soiree 2022
hospitals , surgery centers , nurses , schools , community , private and public partners to make a difference by improving the health of our community where San Diegans live , work , play and pray . What does that mean ? CFH Project Access facilitating services so that 450 patients receive 1,100 specialty care appointments and 80 surgeries . CFH Immunization program administering 30,000 COVID doses and 12,000 flu doses to children , youth and adults in every corner of the county . These services are provided for free to the participants . But the impact is priceless ! No need to worry anymore about : emergency room visits ; loss of work due to excruciating pain ; deciding between paying for food or for a desperately needed medical appointment ; being
hospitalized due to severe flu or COVID symptoms or complications . Our community can support Project Access and our Immunization program by participating in our annual fundraising gala .
Together We Rise brings our joint gala between the San Diego County Medical Society and Champions for Health to the San Diego Natural History Museum on Friday May 12th , 2023 . The physician leadership of San Diego County will honor their incoming Board President , Dr Nick Yphantides and the physician honoree for the James T . Hay Award . Champions for Health will be honoring individuals and organizations who have gone above and beyond to be of service to the community in partnership with CFH . These awards include : Physician of the Year , Medical Group of the Year , Community Partner of the Year , Champions of the Year , and the President ’ s Award . The gala includes a silent auction for everyone ’ s bidding pleasure , entertainment , and inspiring patient stories . The theme and spirit animal this year is fire and the phoenix . Fire symbolizes many things all at once : brightness , warmth and refuge . Fire is also a metaphor for the life and hope remaining in the world , poignantly represented in our “ phoenix ” patients being reborn into health .
Access to care for all is the mission of Champions for Health . When you support Champions for Health , you contribute to the health and wellbeing of thousands of individuals in San Diego . Each of these people show their gratitude in a smile , with a hug , with a sigh of relief that there are unsung heroes such as yourself , ready to step up in their time of need . Join us - Together We Rise to make a difference one person at a time .
www . togetherwerisegala . com