GB Magazine February 2023 | Page 85

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Leave Your Legacy

Leave Your Legacy

Join Federation ' s Legacy Society Join Federation ' s Legacy Society
The Legacy Society is comprised of donors who with generous The Legacy Society is comprised of donors who , with generous foresight , have established a legacy gift to help ensure Jewish foresight , have established a legacy gift to help ensure Jewish continuity continuity from from generation generation to to generation generation .
By giving By giving form form and and substance to to their dreams , each in his or or her her own own way way , these , these donors are are enabling our community to meet the challenges of of the the future with Jewish values and traditions that are are unshakable and and deeply instilled ..
Charitable Charitable giving giving that that provides for for your Jewish community this this year year safeguards safeguards a strong a strong Jewish
Jewish community every year year
, , through your lifetime and beyond . through your lifetime and beyond .
Make your commitment by joining our Legacy Society today . Make your commitment by joining our Legacy Society today .
Call Lorraine Fisher at 858.737.7130 or Call www Lorraine . jewishinsandiego Fisher at 858.737.7130 . org / legacy-society or
www . jewishinsandiego . org / legacy-society
www . jewishinsandieg 858.571.3444 . org www . jewishinsandieg . org