GB Magazine February 2023 | Page 38


Southwestern College Foundation


Living in their car was

never the plan for Jacob Campbell and his family , however a series of unfortunate events made it their reality . The family vehicle became their most essential asset ; it was their shelter , transportation , warmth , safety , and connection to opportunities .
Jacob speaking at the 2022 Jaguar Awards Luncheon in honor of Ray Brock
Often relying on paper routes to make money for basic needs , Jacob and his siblings would be up before dawn , tossing newspapers onto front porches and working together to get through to the next paycheck . The family car was the lynchpin that kept their heads above water , so when there were issues it meant everything was potentially compromised . How were they going to finish their paper route ? How were Jacob and his siblings going to get to school ? How were they going to stay warm and safe ?
As a necessity , Jacob and his family became good at diagnosing and fixing issues with the car . Working together , they managed to get by , and by the time he reached middle school age , his mom ’ s hard work got them into a home of their own . The darkest years were behind them , but the impact of that time in his life made an indelible mark and would become the inspiration for Jacob ’ s future success .
Jacob went on to graduate from Chugiak High School and joined the Navy , honorably serving for seven years . After he was discharged in 2019 , his path led him to