The Biggest Diet Lies
I am neither a medical doctor nor a nutritionist . So , please consult your doctor before adjusting your diet .
I am a former proathlete and currently a coach . I have tried every possible way of eating : for fuel , for weight loss , for better performance , for appearances . You name it , I have tried it . From blood-type to metabolism , everyone ’ s body is different . However , one mindset we should all have in common is that nourishing our body should be a good thing . I want to share some of the diet lies that have affected my mindset and kept me from enjoying food and eating intuitively .
Diet Lie # 1 : Skipping breakfast will make you overeat later in the day . The real question is why are you skipping breakfast ? If you are trying to save calories or rushing out the door and do not have enough time to eat breakfast then , yes you are setting yourself up to overeat at your next meal or throughout the day . However , if you are not eating because you are not hungry , then listen to your body and do not eat when you are not hungry . It is about your eating habits throughout the day , not just one meal . If you are an overall healthy eater , skipping breakfast will not do
Breakfast you harm . It also does not have to be a routine . If you are listening to your body , you may find yourself hungry some mornings or not at all on others . Being intuitive with your body should come before a mindless routine .
Diet Lie # 2 : Eating late at night will make you overweight . It does not matter when you eat , it matters more what you eat and how much of it . Some people sleep better with a fuller tummy . Others are restless on full stomachs and need a two-to-three-hour buffer before bedtime . Start paying attention to what your body and mind are telling you . If you are not sleeping soundly and feeling fatigued when you wake up , it could be your last meal is keeping you from deep REM sleep . Our body is wise . It does not lie . You put on a warm jacket when you are cold , so feed your tummy when it is hungry .
Diet Lie # 3 : Eating carbs will turn you into Miss Piggy . It is not the bread , the pasta , and the chocolate that are the issue . It is the amount that we consume that becomes the problem . Denying these pleasures and cravings only increases the desire for them even more . Again , your body is telling you it needs these things . Have the piece of bread , or two , without turning it into a full-on battle with yourself .