GB Magazine April 2021 | Page 60




Home of �uiding Hands hosted a PPE Drive-Thru Distribution day at the H�H Verbeck �esource Center . Due to a generous anonymous donation , the distribution provided facemasks to anyone who has a loved one within the special need ’ s community . Home of �uiding Hands has been providing quality services to people with developmental and intellectual disabilities for more than 53 years in the San Diego Community .

Dean West and Richard Turpin
Karen Ariano and Jackie Alvarez
Taylor Henderson and Pamela Starmack
Edward Hershey and Kaye Kelley
60 GBSAN . COM | APRIL 2021
Cori , Michael and Cindy Harris
Jan Adams and Mary Ellen Stives

Home of �uiding Hands llev� a cabo una entrega PPE Drive-Thru en el H�H Verbeck �esource Center . �racias a una generosa donaci�n an�nima , la entrega pudo ofrecer m�scaras a quienes tuvieran un ser querido con necesidades especiales . Home of �uiding Hands viene ofreciendo servicios de calidad a las personas con discapacidades de desarrollo o intelectuales de la comunidad de San Diego desde ya hace 53 a�os .