GB Magazine April 2021 | Page 66



Students from Promises2�ids ’ Men ’ s & �omen ’ s Leadership �etwork program visited �ordstrom Fashion Valley for a personal styling session to help prepare them for their transition to the workforce and adulthood . Promises2�ids creates a brighter future for foster children in San Diego County . From the moment they come into foster care and through to adulthood , Promises2�ids provides the hope , support and opportunities these special individuals need to change their lives for the better , now and for years to come .

Beau McLeod and Darla Shanoon
Laith Kahoer and Israel Barbosa
Danielle Jackson and Dan Schumann
Michael Johnson and Lexi Smith

Estudiantes pertenecientes al programa Men ’ s & �omen ’ s Leadership �etwork de Promises2�ids , visitaron �ordstrom Fashion Valley para participar de una sesi�n personal de estilismo que los va a ayudar en la transici�n a la adultez y al mundo laboral . Promises2�ids se dedica a crear futuros m�s esperanzadores para los ni�os en situaci�n de guarda del condado de San Diego , les ofrece la esperanza , el apoyo y las oportunidades que estas personas tan especiales necesitan para lograr cambios positivos en sus vidas , tanto hoy como en el futuro .

Danielle Gilbert , Ikemba Dyke and Tonya Torosian
Tatum Ortega and Ebgar Navarrete
66 GBSAN . COM | APRIL 2021