GB 540 MENTOR Let's Do This / GB 540 MENTOR Let's Do This / | Page 31

do they have for the future? Is there room for improving what they do? Should new ventures be added or old ones subtracted? As you can see, the field is wide open for you to construct your project in the most relevant way you see fit. As parts of the Final Project you are to include an 18-24 month forecast and a strategic audit (an analysis of how well the firm’s strategies have worked to date). Your conclusion should include a clear set of recommendations that are well supported. The project must include APA format references on the final slide and in-text references on the slide where information is presented. Include a minimum of three high-quality, up-to-date sources. It is to be submitted to the Week 6 Dropbox by the end of Unit 6. GB540 Unit 6 Assignment Rubric Content and Analysis Points Possible Points Earned