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GB 540 Unit 5 Assignment Fortune 500 Economic Indicators ( Google Inc )
Discussion for each indicator includes :
· Explanation of the relevance to the firm
· A strategy of how the firm will respond
· A goal to maximize revenues for the years ahead
Writing Style , Grammar , APA Format , at least three resources are used .

GB 540 Unit 5 Assignment Fortune 500 Economic Indicators ( Google Inc )

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Unit 5
For this Assignment , you are to continue using the same Fortune 500 company you selected in Unit 4 . The focus here is on its domestic ( American ) operations , with global issues left for Unit 6 . Begin by reading through the material on economic indicators in the Webliography . Select 6-10 indicators that are of particular relevance to your firm and explain why . Next , outline a strategy for how the firm should respond to the information provided by the economic indicators with the goal of maximizing revenues in the years ahead .