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Unit 4
Select a GLOBAL Fortune 500 company ( it cannot be one you work for ) that operates in the United States and in other nations around the world . You will be using the same firm for the Unit Assignment and the Unit 6 Final Project , so make sure it is one you are interested in and that has plenty of good sources of information available .
A . Summarize the firm ’ s history , its recent and current operating results , and the economic , social , and political forces that affect it most .
B . Present a brief SWOT analysis ( Strengths , Weaknesses , Opportunities , Threats ).
C . Discuss the factors it will need to predict , plan for , and adjust to in the future .
The Assignment is to be a minimum of five pages long ( title pages , bibliographies , etc ., do not count ) and in APA format . A good variety of objective , high-quality , current sources need to be used .
GB 540 Unit 4 Assignment Rubric Content and Analysis Points Possible Points Earned