GB 519 RANK Let's Do This / GB 519 RANK Let's Do This / | Page 45

After you have read the Article and Narrative, prepare a response to the following Requirements: Assume that you are a business consultant hired to advise Earth Baby, Inc. (EBI) on the proposed venture from Great Deal, Inc. (GDI). Your task is to analyze the proposal and make a recommendation to either accept or reject it. Your presentation must include critical thinking and analysis supported by evidence using independent references. Your analysis must also include any biases that might be relevant to the proposal. The article reading may provide special insight for this requirement. The analysis must be Word document, 2 to 3 pages long, not including the Title Page and Reference List. The analysis must be presented in proper APA, 6th Edition formatting, including a Title Page with properly formatted Running head. A “Conclusion” section is also required. ============================================= == GB 519 Unit 4 Assignment 2 Case Study Part 2 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT