GB 513 RANK Let's Do This / GB 513 RANK Let's Do This / | Page 11

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Question 2 202— — 191 202 173 192 169 181 171 174 175 172 182 174 196 179 204 189 219 198 227 211 The U.S. Census Bureau publishes data on factory orders for all manufacturing, durable goods, and nondurable goods industries. Shown here are factory orders in the United States over a 13-year period ($ billion). 1. Usethesedatatodevelopforecastsfortheyears6through13usinga5- yearmovingaverage. 2. Usethesedatatodevelopforecastsfortheyears6through13usinga5-yearweighted moving average. Weight the most recent year by 6, the previous year by 4, the year before that by 2, and the other years by 1. 3. Compute the errors of the forecasts in parts (a) and (b) and then the MAD. Which forecast is better? 1. 1 2,512.7 2. 2 2,739.2 3. 3 2,874.9 4. 4 2,934.1 5. 5 2,865.7 6. 6 2,978.5 7. 7 3,092.4 8. 8 3,356.8 9. 9 3,607.6 10. 10 3,749.3 11. 11 3,952.0 12. 12 3,949.0 13. 13 4,137.0 Question 3 The “Economic Report to the President of the United States” included data on the amounts of manufacturers’ new and unfilled orders in millions of dollars. Shown