GB 513 Course Great Wisdom / GB 513 Course Great Wisdom / | Page 8
States, men spend more than women buying gifts and cards
on Valentine’s Day. Suppose a researcher wants to test this
hypothesis by randomly sampling nine men and 10 women
with comparable demographic characteristics from various
large cities across the United States to be in a study. Each
study participant is asked to keep a log beginning one month
before Valentine’s Day and record all purchases made for
Valentine’s Day during that one-month period. The resulting
data are shown below. Use these data and a 1% level of
significance to test to determine if, on average, men actually
do spend significantly more than women on Valentine’s Day.
Assume that such spending is normally distributed in the
population and that the population variances are equal.
Men Women
107.48 125.98 143.61 45.53 90.19 56.35 125.53 80.62 70.79
46.37 83.00 44.34 129.63 75.21 154.22 68.48 93.80 85.84
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