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Tuesday, March 22, 2016 V V V THE GAZETTE, EMPORIA, KANSAS V Poland shared the following suggestions for parents and school officials to help prevent school violence and suicide. PARENTS ✦✦Limit adolescent privacy ✦✦Limit exposure to media violence ✦✦Don’t lie to protect a child ✦✦Follow through with due process ✦✦Pay attention to what the school says and seek mental health treatment when it is recommended ✦✦Lock up the guns in the home, especially if there is a child with mental health issues SCHOOLS KENDRA JOHNSON/GAZETTE The Teachers College held their annual lecture with speaker Dr. Scott Poland, an internationally recognized expert on school crisis and youth suicide, on Monday. VIOLENCE From PAGE 1 “We need suicide prevention programs in all of our K-12 facilities and on all of our college campuses,” Poland said. Poland encouraged those in attendance to focus on building relationships with young people. He said that by helping young people feel connected to their school, their community and other individuals it will decrease the likelihood of suicide or school violence. Poland shared the following protective factors that have been identified by the World Health Organization: ✦✦Family cohesion and stability ✦✦Recognize that anyone can stop a school shooting ✦✦Create a threat assessment team and do a thorough assessment of threats and information sharing ✦✦Recognize rehearsal and planning of attacks ✦✦Recognize that physical security alone is not the answer ✦✦Implement suicide and bully prevention programs ✦✦Implement anonymous tip lines  ✦✦Coping and problem solving skills ✦✦Positive self worth and impulse control ✦✦Positive connections to school and extracurricular participation ✦✦Academically successful ✦✦Good relationships with other youth ✦✦Seeks adult help when needed ✦✦Lack of access to suicidal means ✦✦Access to mental health care ✦✦Religiosity ✦✦School environment that encourages seeking help and promotes health In closing, Poland shared a quote from Craig Scott, a Columbine survivor: “We must reach out to the unreachable.”   CVAB From PAGE 1 to Feb. 1 and Aug. 1. In August the board members will receive a copy of each grant application and the scoring criteria, where they will determine in their own mind how much money each applicant should get before meeting to set a final amount. One area of review members heavily focused on was asking applicants how any proceeds generated as a result of the grant would be used to help the city of Emporia. Members reviewed information on funds allocated out of the transient guest tax fund, money collected from tax added to Emporia hotel rooms to benefit the city of Emporia. For 2016 the following businesses received: ✦✦Convention Bureau, $358,750 ✦✦William Allen White House, $7,500 ERC From PAGE 1 $103,500, Phase II costs $144,500 and Phase III costs $139,500. “It’s well overdue,” said Tom McEvoy, recreation commission director. “The roof is leaking and this is one of the things we have been talking about doing for at least seven years.” The center staff re ceived praise for their involvement in hosting the 4A Division II state basketball tournament. The center managed the tournament, which was held at the William Lindsay White auditorium March 9 through 12. “It makes us feel good about it [helping],” said McEvoy. “We are very pleased with the way the tournament turned out and all the praise we received from administrators.” The commission also voted on rate increases for different sports within the organization. The following sports increased in price from 2015 to 2016: Youth: 2015; 2016 ✦✦Tackle football: $60; $65 ✦✦Tackle football: $75; $80 SUDOKU SOLUTION V Q&A From PAGE 1 bers that asked a variety of questions. Q Many people can’t attend the community meetings so how can they get information about the project? The district recently mailed an informational pamphlet to all households in north Lyon county. This pamphlet answers many questions regarding the bond proposal as well as questions about the district in general. The information included in the pamphlet is also available online at North Lyon County  Superintendent Aron Dody has stated on numerous occasions that the district office is open to anyone who wishes to visit, ask questions or verify information and figures for themselves. At the community meetings, Board President Matt Horton also V