Gazette - PAID Subscriptions | Page 4

Page 4 V WAW V V THE GAZETTE, EMPORIA, KANSAS “But the soul of her, the glowing, gorgeous, fervent soul of her, surely was flaming in eager joy upon some other dawn.” WL W V V Friday, August 28, 2015 V “What we really pray for around this office is a little peace and quiet.” WILLIAM LINDSAY WHITE WILLIAM ALLEN WHITE TEG William Allen White, 1895-1944 William Lindsay White, 1944-1973 Kathrine Klinkenberg White, 1973-1988 Christopher White Walker Editor and Publisher — Ashley Knecht Walker Editor NEWSROOM Brandy Lee Nance Online and News Editor — Barbara White Walker Senior Editor — Paul David Walker Publisher Emeritus MANAGEMENT Margie Sue McHaley Production Manager ­— Briana Rae Julo Advertising Manager ­— Destin Ray Nightingale Circulation Manager ­— Leann Marie Sanchez Regional Publications ­— Regina Denise Murphy Features Editor EDITORIAL Pats on the back EDITOR’S NOTE: Each Friday, The Gazette salutes those who make Emporia and the surrounding area a better place to live and work. The following folks deserve a pat on the back...  F The Flint Hills Beekeepers Club, which works to keep alive a hobby that is increasingly important for our environment. In recent years there has been a severe decl