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Tom Cassel
Tom Cassell/ TheSyndicateProject
Tom was born on the 23rd of
June 1993, he is 20 years
old, he lives in Manchester,
England he is British his second name is Cassell and his
nickname is Syndicate.
When he was younger he
went to Reading Blue Coats,
a private school in Reading.
Tom’s occupation is as a
YouTube director and a former Machinima director.
Tom’s main achievement
was getting on the YouTube
list at NO. 29 which I think
is an amazing achievement.
goes to L.A. to meet up with
a friend of his who also has a
YouTube channel called
Syndicate is a successful
You Tuber and deserves a
truck load of support and is a
successful guy especially
after quitting school and his
job at McDonalds.
Tom started off with two
games and with the release
of C.O.D. black ops he started playing every game and
enjoyed it. He is also part of
a group called Optic. He
By Jordan
* What has a face two hands, but no legs or arms???
* What word begins and ends with an “e” but only has one letter???
* What has a neck but no head???
* What gets wetter as it dries???
* What dog keeps the best time???
* What word becomes shorter when you add two letters???
* What’s white and black [