gazette issue 2 | Page 24

Page 24 GAZZETE Assassins Creed 4 Beginning The story of Edward Kenway, * One day he was on an island taking in all the scenery, then out of nowhere he saw a mysterious man with a letter when the man saw edward he ran, yet Edward was a stubborn fellow and was eager to find out what the letter said and Edward chased the man until eventually he caught him they had a fierce battle before Edward got the better of the man and killed him. The man wore a strange cloak and a message that was to be delivered to the Governor of Havana. Edward took the mans cloak to disguise himself as one of them, but as he was walking along the beach he noticed a travelling merchant in distress from a bunch of drunk pirates and Edward thought why not help the merchant for some money and a ride to Havana eventually he beat up the pirates and got a few‘bob’ but coincidentally the merchant was going to Havana as well so they both went to his ship together. * Edward was a young Pirate Captain ,he succeeded in all his raids and plunders on enemy ships, with his amazing crew. * When Edward got to Havana he had to get a new pair of swords as the old pair were useless the friendly merchant lent Edward money but then the merchant was robbed and he wasn’t born with assassin climbing skills so Edward chased the robber with his skills and put the man to justice. * Later in the story Edward realised he was doing bad and tried to help but got captured and was then a prisoner but he was crafty and a person called Adewale and he helped Kenway escape from captivity when they got their stuff they then killed everyone and they and realised they weren’t the only slaves so they saved and recruited people as pirates and destroyed the main ship. By Jordan phelan