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I rencontre portfolio I encounters portfolio I لقاءات برتفوليو
Douraïd Souissi
There are two types of photographers : the ones that reach the top of their art after years of studying in a specialised school , and the self-made men who develop their own talent through good or bad experiences and risk taking . Douraïd Souissi is one of the latter .
Predestined to pursue a career in finance , Douraïd Souissi discovered a passion for photography while studying international business in the United States . The young man graduated with a bachelor ' s degree in international finance and a master ' s degree in philosophy and never gave up his appetence for photography . Upon returning to Tunis , Souissi decided to pursue photography professionally . Douraïd Souissi ’ s photographs capture the interest and exude a feeling of plenitude . In complete rupture with common ideas , the photographer promotes topics outside of the beaten track . Each of his series highlights generally neglected regions , such as Siliana , Kef or even Lomé in Togo . Since his first exhibition revealing the Drops series in 2006 , Douraïd Souissi has been multiplying projects , including participations in the Rencontres Internationales in Ghar El Melh , in the Noor-Nikon Master Class workshop in 2013 , and in the Views of Tunisia project . The photographer is currently busy working on a project in cooperation with the Cité Internationale des Arts de Paris , on the theme of divorce between Man and Nature . I
1 . Hsouna I Hsouna I
I حسونة 2 . Série « Kiis in the Kerkennahs » I “ Kiis in the Kerkennahs “ series I Kiis in the Kerkennahs » I « مجموعة 3 . Série « Lomé » I “ Lomé “ series I
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