Gazelle | Page 131

I évasion voyage dans le temps I fly away journey through time I ‫لنتحـ ّلق رحلـة عبـر الزمـن‬ Testour the Andalusian Balade à Testour Testour offre aussi des promenades au bord de la Medjerda où l’on peut voir encore des artisans, retrouvant les techniques antiques, fabriquer de nouveau des tuiles et des briques au style andalous. La balade se termine par une visite de l’architecture et des faïences qui décorent la Maison de la Culture, ancienne demeure de la célèbre chanteuse Habiba Messika et construite par son amant, Liahoo Ben David Mimouni. Un e ville riche culturellement, puisqu’elle abrite également un festival international de malouf et de musique arabe et traditionnelle depuis 1967.  I Testour est jumelée avec Chefchaouen au Maroc City of the North-West of Tunisia, Testour jealously watches over its Andalusian past. Built on the site of Roman Tichilla that disappeared during the Middle Ages, it invites us, today, to discover its Grand Mosque, its small streets and its houses over 600 years old. Testour is one of the most ancient cities in Tunisia After the Moors migrated to Tunisia around perfectly aligned red tiles and located Mohamed Tagharinou, an immigrant of 1580, Testour became one of the largest in the different neighbourhoods of the Andalusian origin installed in Testour, Moorish cities. Its monuments, traditions Rhiba, the Tagarins and the Hara, a real it is extended during the 18th century and the daily habits of its inhabitants bear Andalusian feel. by adding a secondary courtyard and a witness to a rich Andalusian past. In fact, room for ablutions. The strong Andalusian imprint that characterizes the mosque is and the names of the families show that The Grande Mosque and its counterclockwise clock the founders of Testour are Tagarins Located in the heart of Testour, at the imposing roofs are made of tiles. The from Castile and Aragon, and the travel crossroads of main streets, the Grand minaret, 22.5m high, is composed of two stories indicate that, during a century Mosque offers an unique mix between towers on top of one another. The lower and a half, its inhabitants continued to local traditions from Ifriqiya and Spanish- tower, built using Toledano technique is speak Spanish and to observe certain Moorish decorative and architectural surmounted by a second octogonal tower traditions such as the Corrida. There techniques. Erected during the first third and the ensemble is crowned by a lantern also are, in its dwellings covered with of the 17th century, around 1630, by with a wooden pyramidal roof. The minaret the architecture of the Grand Mosque also revealed on the exterior : the building’s is adorned with Stars of David, which could be a mark of gratitude to the Jewish Hôtels Hotels Côté Ferme - Maison d’hôte Côté Ferme est une maison d'hôtes située à Medjez El Bab, au cœur de la vallée de la Medjerda, au calme et loin des sentiers battus, entourée de hauts lieux chargés d’histoire comme Testour. Côté Ferme – Guest house Côté Ferme is a guest house located in Medjez El Bab, in the heart of the Medjerda valley. It is quiet and off the beaten track, surrounded by important places loaded with history such as Testour. dans les régions les plus proches Km 5 route du Kef 9070 Medjez-El-Bab Tel: (216) 216 78 56 85 78 [email protected] 5, Kef Road 9070 Medjez-El-Bab Tel: (216) 216 78 56 85 78 [email protected] Dar Sidi Abdallah Dar Sidi Abdallah, gîte rural situé dans un verger verdoyant de trois hectares sur la route de Hammam Mellegue, à trois kilomètres de la ville du Kef , la maison dispose de 7 chambres d'hôtes. Dépaysement et enchantement garantis. Dar Sidi Abdallah Country cottage located in a threehectare green orchard on Hammam Mellegue Road, three km away from Kef city, the house has 7 guest rooms. Perfect for an enchanting change of scenery. Tél: +216 52 66 21 55/+216 98 60 40 38 [email protected] Tel: +216 52 66 21 55 / +216 98 60 40 38 [email protected] Dar Boumakhlouf Dar Boumakhlouf, située sur les hauteurs de la Médina du Kef, vous offre une vue exceptionnelle sur les sites les plus illustres et les plus visités de la ville du Kef. Décorée avec soin et goût inspiré du patrimoine traditionnel et culturel Kéfois, la maison vous offre confort et tranquillité. Les 3 chambres autour du patio, sont ornées d’une menuiserie authentique et habillées dans la pure tradition Kéfoise. Dar Boumakhlouf Dar Boumakhlouf, located on the heights of the Medina of Kef, offers an exceptional view over the most famous and most popular sites of Kef city. With its tasteful decoration, inspired by the traditional and cultural heritage of Kef, the house offers comfort and calm. The three bedrooms around the patio are adorned with authentic woodwork and dressed in the purest tradition. 13 rue Kheireddine Becha Le Kef, 7100 Tél: +216 78 201 467/+216 53 784 379 [email protected] 13 Kheireddine Becha Street, 7100, Kef Tel: +216 78 201 467 /+216 53 784 379 [email protected] ‫الفنادق‬ ‫التي تقع في المناطق المجاورة‬ ‫ بيت ضيافة‬- ‫كويت فارم‬ ‫كويت فارم هي بيت ضيافة تقع يف مدينة‬ ‫مجاز الباب يف قلب حوض مجردة حيث‬ ‫الهدوء والبعد عن األماكن املألوفة وتحيط‬ ‫بها أماكن تفوح بشذى الزمن األندليس عىل‬ .‫غرار تستور‬ ‫ جماز الباب‬9070 ،5 ‫طريق الكاف كم‬  (216) 216 78 56 85 78 : ‫الهاتف‬ [email protected] ‫دار سيدي عبد الله‬ ‫مسكن ريفي يقع يف مزرعة متتد عىل ثالثة‬ ‫هكتارات عىل طريق حامم مالق عىل بعد‬ ‫ كم من مدينة الكاف ويحتوي عىل سبع‬3 ‫ يوفّر لضيوفه الج ّو املالئم‬.‫غرف ضيافة‬ .‫لل ّراحة و االنغامس يف األجواء األصيلة‬ +216 52 66 21 55/98 60 40 38:‫الهاتف‬ [email protected] ‫دار بو مخلوف‬ ‫تقع عىل مرتفعات مدينة الكاف وتوفر‬ ‫إطاللة استثنائية عىل أشهر األماكن السياحية‬ ‫ وقد زينت‬.‫التي يرتدد عليها الناس كثريا‬ ‫بعناية وذوق مستوحى من الرتاث التقليدي‬ ‫والث قايف ملدينة الكاف وتوفر لساكنيها الراحة‬ ‫والهدوء وتشتمل عىل ثالث غرف حول فناء‬ ‫املنزل زينت بالخشب األصيل عىل الطريقة‬ .‫التقليدية الكافية‬ 7100 ‫ نهج خري الدين با�شا الكاف‬13 +216 78 201 467/53 784 379 : ‫الهاتف‬ [email protected] Moorish community for its contribution to the construction of the minaret. Another specificity, almost unique in the world, of the Mosque, its clock located below a window. After it was installed by the Andalusian, the clock, which had the particularity to be counterclockwise and was unfortunately broken for 3 centuries, is now working, since December 2014, thanks to the citizen’s initiative of Tunisian engineer Abdel Halim Koundi, in tribute to his Andalusian origins and to the local civil society. A walk in Testour It is also possible to walk around Testour, on the banks of the Medjerda River, where we can still watch artisans make tiles and bricks in the Andalusian style, using ancient techniques. The stroll ends with a visit of the architecture and earthenware of the Cultural Centre, former residence of singer Habiba Messika, built by her lover Liahoo Ben David Mimouni. A culturally rich city, with its international festival of malouf and Arab and traditional music since 1967.  I Testour is twinned with Chefchaouen in Morocco 133