GAZELLE WEST Vol 1, Issue 3 | Page 40

HEALTH & WELLNESS EVERYONE HAS A STORY Discover your purpose By VIRGINIA KERR I believe we all have a purpose. A why. As in “Why. Are. You. Here?” It took me a while to figure out my why. I mean since I was 11 years old, I just wanted to be in TV news. Why? Because I was curious. I liked the idea of storytelling. And yes, I liked the idea of being on TV . But if I told you it was to help other people, I would be lying. Fast forward to just over three years ago. I was a TV host on the KMOV-TV lifestyle show Great Day St Louis. I had done the TV news thing for 12 years prior to that. I had just suffered my second pregnancy loss, and I was blogging about it. Just like I had publically documented my journey through my clinical depression and my binge eating disorder. I decided to disclose this as well. Why? This time to help people. 40 I spent more than 20 years trying to be someone I wasn’t, and covering up what I was. A sad, lost, insecure child. The TV career was the only thing that I thought gave me an identity. It’s all I knew. It was my perfect cover up. It was when I found my true identity that I found my purpose. A child of God put on this earth to serve him by helping others. I realized my past did not identify me, but it did help me identify with others. Helped them identify with me. GAZELLE WEST Now I can relate to loneliness. Hopelessness. And now I can show them there \